Monthly Archives: January 2012

The beginning…

Hello and welcome! If you are here, you are probably looking for some inspiration; a way to combat writer’s block; or just looking to begin. I am here to help! First of all, I must say, I have found no better way to beat the dreaded “writer’s block” than to simply write. Free-writing is my favorite method, and I use it on a daily basis. In this blog you will find hundreds of prompts, starters, quotes, and more to ignite that fire inside. I will be offering my own, as well as others from famous authors and additional writing sources. I will always give credit where credit is due, and encourage you to submit your own, also. Each day I will post a prompt, starter, and quote. Choose one or choose them all. The following day, I will post my own writing (however good or awful it may be) that resulted from the prompt. Now, let us begin our journey!

Prompt: Who are you missing the most right now? Write a letter to that person, or write about that person and why they are not with you.

Starter: The room was ice cold.

Quote: “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
-Sylvia Plath
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Posted by on January 24, 2012 in Prompts, Story starters, Writing


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